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factory Outlets for Sanitary Magnetic Trap - Liquid Trap Magnets with Flangle Connection Type – Meiko

Liquid Trap Magnets with Flangle Connection is consist of magnetic tube separator groups and stainless steel housing outside. The inlet and outlet makes it possible to connect with existing processing line via flangle connection types. Magnetic Liquid Traps are designed to extract the ferrous material from the liquid, semi-liquid and air conveying powder in order to purify the material in the production process. Strong magnetic tubes inside the housing filtrates the flow and picks out the unwanted ferrous metal. The unit is simply mounted to the existing pipeline via flanged or threaded ends. Easy access is also possible using the quick release clamp. Magnetic Filter Optional features: 1. The shell material: SS304, SS316, SS316L; 2. The magnetic strength grade:  8000Gs, 10000Gs, 12000Gs; 3. Working temperature grade: 80, 100, 120, 150, 180, 200degree Celsius; 4. Various designs available: Easy clean type, pipe in line type, jacket design; 5. Compress resistance: 6 kilograms (0.6Mpa) with quick release clamp while 10 kilograms (1.0Mpa) with flange. 6. Also takes customers' designs.

factory Outlets for Sanitary Magnetic Trap - Liquid Trap Magnets with Flangle Connection Type – Meiko Related Video: